Xénophon Tsoumas
Maison de poupées - Film - 16min - 2016
présenté dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 18

Nicolas and Marguerite, brother and sister, are left alone in their luxurious house. Outside it is pouring down. As the storm rages, they start picking up their toys in order to make a great big doll’s house. The story begins with toy-like figures that live like the children, until a terrible event occurs and stirs intense emotions. Mixing scenes filmed in real conditions with others in stop-motion, the work navigates between the imaginary and the real. It is a micrography of a childhood world, a world without end where children’s conceptions are shaped by the imaginary, so that what seems small is in fact huge. How does a child’s imagination work? What is the real scale of the childhood world? What are children’s perceptions? How do they understand ideas, other people’s feelings, humour and fears ?
Xénophon Tsoumas
Born in Agrinio, in Greece, Xenophon Tsoumas studied cinema at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
A meticulous and perfectionist researcher, Xenophon has an erotic relationship with the camera lens and considers that the dimensions of lenses are as important as the approach to actors. According to him, the range of lenses in combination with movement can also provoke a change in the context of a work. Concerning sound direction, he says that, “sound tells the story of what is not included in the frame, and the music tells the story of what is not included in the sound.”
His film Marmaga was presented at the 20th International Film Festival of Athens, in 2014.
He currently lives and works between France and Greece.