Luc Moullet
Toujours moins - Film - 2010
présenté dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 12

In 1993, I filmed "Toujours plus". The indispensable complement was missing, " Toujours moins ", my fortieth film. It evokes in 13 minutes the development and expansion, from 1968 to 2010, of the devices based on computers, automats, interactive terminals and others that can be found in all areas. The aim of our current system appears to be to employ a single individual in each sector of activity. We are not there yet, but we're getting there... A schizophrenic world, since, at the same time, businesses are having to pay the price of these suppression in an indirect way. We can't leave millions of human beings jobless. An observation that is both bitter and funny: the methods of this perpetual reduction are surprising and comical...