Alexandre Maubert
Monade - Installation - 2011
présentée dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 13

Monad, which comes from the Greek monas, means “unity”. In its concept, a monad is a whole with its own interiority, but one cannot get in or out. Closed communities are growing at a rapid rate in Latin America and even if this phenomenon touches all parts of the globe, here and elsewhere, this mark of society where the gaps are getting wider is promoted as the new way of thinking about the city.
The focus of this project is a community called Nordelta in North East Buenos Aires in Argentina and the outside world that by essence surrounds it. Here film is the vector of this impossible crossing, the camera the means with which we cross borders. The characters are our guides, their paces and their actions make this territory exist. This work came about from my wish to install film within the field of exhibition. The spectator experiences being immersed on this desert of reality, by coming himself the creator of sound/image associations. Monade is the result of a co-operation with the research team MINT (Université Lille 1, CNRS, LIFL UMR 8022 & IRCICA, INRIA Lille Nord-Europ). The laboratory has developed an algorithm that facilitates, at the heart of the installation, the analysis of the spectators’ gestures and then to interpret them so that it can direct the spatial display of the sound.