Marie Lelouche
I am walking in - Installation - 2015
présentée dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 17

A title like an invitation: I am walking in. The invitation to take the place of the person perceiving and composing with the elements he is offered. In the space, five human-scale sculptures which we imagine to be totems, maquettes or packaging. Their status is not clearly defined, all the more so since the “textures” that adorn them, like the cladding of material, sometimes seem to blur their forms and thus foreground the experience of their surfaces. Wireless headphones are available. On them can be heard a sound creation made of successive crackling noises. Like impacts, these echo the textures on the volumes. They are structured, playing on the same sensation of repetition. Moving around the space, another dimension is superposed over the sound/volume duo. Controlled by an interactive apparatus, the sound creation suddenly changes: the sounds are still the same, as is the composition, but it seems to be playing in another space. With each new volume, a new sound space is deployed, that of the volume itself. Consequently, everything here speaks to us of our relation to volumes. How, today, should we perceive their space, their materiality, the voids that they engender, the off-space that they nourish? Today’s creative and mediatory tools have changed the modalities of our perception. Virtuality and reality merge to speak to us of this relation to the world. I am walking in offers the viewer a world of mixed reality, with volumes as moorings.
Marie Lelouche
Live and work in Lille, France.