Jorge Jácome
A GUEST + A HOST = A GHOST - Film - 15min - 2015
présenté dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 17

The title "A GUEST + A HOST = A GHOST " is a word play created by Marcel Duchamp for one of his works in 1953 .
I chose this title (almost like an objet trouvé) due to the way the film unfolds: a sum of frames composed by images and sounds that when placed together create other meanings. There is no story, instead there are connections that the film proposes, links whose origin is intuitive.
Using editing as a tool, we start solving equations until we reach a final result. We lose ourselves and find ouselves in the mystery of those connections. The film is almost mathematical, like a Duchamp game: constellations connect the dots of our bodies, the lines on our hands are the same as the ones carved in ancient stones, looks are lost in ghostly dreams, dead animals transform into storytellers.
All of this leads to an unlikely birth at the end.
These kind of images represent the idea of a crack in space and time as we know them. They allow the suggestion of something immaterial, the possibility of another dimension beyond the tangible.
Cinema, for me, is still a tool that enables us to see something that used to be invisible to the human eye - it represents a connection between the spiritual and the material, the physic and the psychic, between what exists and what haunts us.
Jorge Jácome
Jorge Jácome was born in Viana do Castelo (Portugal) in 1988 and spent his childhood in Macau. He completed is degree in cinema at the Lisbon Theatre and Film School (Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema, ESCT) as director and editor.
His work is based on a strongly intuitive and sensorial process resulting in films made of narrative drifts, unexpected relationships and unusual encounters.
His shorts have been shown at film festivals in Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Slovenia, Poland and Israel, and in retrospectives at the New Bedford Whaling Museum, CalArts - California, and the Institute of the Arts at Georgetown University, in Washington.
A scholarship holder of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, he is currently attending his second year of study at Le Fresnoy - National Studio of Contemporary Arts. He is also developing a new short film, titled Flores, subsidized by the Portuguese Cinema and Audiovisual Institute (ICA according to the Portuguese acronym).
He currently lives between Lille and Lisbon.
David, Marta, Marco, Faye, Mariana, Ricardo, Daniela, Paulo, Vovó Lurdes, Pai, Mãe, François, Martin, Rémi, Simon, Daniela, Andrés, Barbara, Kate, Daphné, Dane, James, Gabriel, Daniel