Kevin Voinet
Traversée - Installation - 2015
présentée dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 17

Every morning when we wake up we are the same, and it is in vain that the dreamers of Antiquity maintained that the same person never passes through the same door twice. The truth is that each man is condemned to live in the same body, to see through the same eyes, to understand and meditate until death ensues, with the help of the same brain. The ingenious torture of identity creates a hell that is much more subtle than the torrid place invented by superstition. Minds refined by reflection cannot bear to be eternally the same. Julien Green, If I Were You, 1947.
The installation proposes a space in which two visitors can move around wearing headphones. On it they can hear a monologue in the first person, like a private diary. This will evoke existential questions, dealing with everyday themes such as wandering, distant relations, intimacy and memory. This sound piece tries to cast light on our repeated thoughts, to question the person who speaks inside us. Different voices will be broken up in space thanks to a spatialisation of sound in three dimensions. This time of introspection will be constructed on a logic of thought, made up of interconnections and resonances.
Kevin Voinet
› Programmation : Benjamin Poilane
› Interprétation : Saverio Maligno
› Montage son : Martin Delzescaux, Raphaelle Duquesnoy