Evangelia Kranioti
Antidote - Installation - 2014
présentée dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 16

From thread to pixel, from the embroidered to the virtual image, from old to new technologies, the installation Antidote brings together weaving and cinema via myth. The beginnings of this exploration are to be found in my long-standing project on the lives of Greek sailors and their voyages around the world. After studying the relation of these contemporary Ulysses to wandering and memory, I wanted to interrogate their feminine double through the tutelary figure of Penelope, the most mythical of weavers. When doing my research in the North of France, I was struck by one particular symbolic coincidence: the fact that the city of Tourcoing was once the European centre of the textile industry, and that Le Fresnoy, which is intrinsically linked to this formerly flourishing industry, has become a centre devoted to cinema and the moving image. This shift from weaving to cinema was thus the direction in which I took my research, making a film that is wholly embroidered and a machine specially designed to project it. But what equation can be found between the thread that weaves the image on the flat surface of a tapestry or embroidery, the grains of the celluloid print and the pixels that in their thousands form digital images? And what canvas might Penelope weave in this, our digital age? What desire, what obsession, what story might she relate?
Evangelia Kranioti
Gabriel Léger, Virginia Kranioti, Marc Baudin, Guy Caudron, Tobias Muthesius, Yorgos Lamprinos, Louise Kalfon, Faye Mullen, Basile Maffone, Thomas McIntosh, Aurélien Farina, Martin Gautron, Jean-Pierre Coroller, Adrien Gibon, Nicolas Richard, Alain Fleischer, Eric Prigent, Jacky Lautem, Daniel Dobbels, Laurent Mannoni, Stefan Glass, Benoît Cordonnier de La Maison Houlès.
Je souhaite remercier tout particulièrement Agnès b., Sebastien Ruiz ainsi que les membres de l'équipe du fonds de dotation Agnès b. : Juliette Chevalier, Nathalie Kistler, Amandine Cajuste, Elodie Cazes, Jean François Sanz, Emma Charrin, Stéphane Lapierre, Laura Morsch, Jimmy Tomenou, Paul Escorsa.