Arash Nassiri
Tehran-Geles - Film - 2014
présenté dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 16

Night-time signs in Tehran are inlaid into aerial images of Los Angeles. During the flight, recorded phone calls relate memories of events that took place in Tehran. These stories refer us to the city’s past. In the 1970s and 80s the reality of American life was projected onto the city’s social and urban fabric. The music, clothes, cars, boulevards and motorways echoed that way of life. The revolution brought this period to an end. Like science fiction cinema, in which the present of a city is projected into the future, this video projects the past of Tehran into the present, taking Los Angeles as a setting.
Arash Nassiri
Merci à tous ceux qui ont prêté leurs voix et leurs histoires à cette vidéo. Merci également à : Olivier Anselot , Estelle Benazet, Flavien Berger, Aurélie Brouet, Pierre-Yves Boisramé, David Chantreau, Valerie Delhaye, Anne-Line Desrousseaux, Daniel Dobbels, Raphael Henard, Vincent Kalb, Jacky Lautem, François Lescieux, Jean-René Lorand, Dan Perez aka Pablito, Margot Priem, Eric Prigent, Massimiliano Simbula, Blandine Tourneux, Madeleine Van Doren et Rick Ross.