Nora Martirosyan

Ups and Downs - Installation - 2003

présentée dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 4


1 And God remembered Noah, and all the living, and all beasts that were with him in the ark, and God passed a wind over the earth, and the waters were decreased. 2 And the fontains of the deep and the windows of heaven were shut, and the rain was reastrained from the heavens. 3 And the waters receded from the earth continually, and the waters were abated at the end of hundreed fifty days. 4 And the ark rested, in the seventh month, in the seventeenth day of the month, on the mountains of ARARAT*. 5 And the waters continued receding untill the tenth month; in the tenth month, on the first of the month, the tops of the mountains appeared.

The Holy Bible, Genesis 8:1-5

*Mount Ararat (Turkey): On the borders of the Armenian republic, Turkey and Iran, in the heart of historical Armenia, Mt. Ararat towers at 5165 meters.

Nora Martirosyan


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing