Lou Chenivesse

Le Temps suspendu - Film - 18min - 2024

présenté dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 26


The death of a loved one plunges a young woman into a state of melancholy solitude. Strange events occur. Ghosts seep out of cracks like leaking water flowing down walls as the storm swells. Past, present and future meld, time is dissolved, suspended.

Images of memories, of family archives, mingle with those of characters plunged into darkness, ghosts, that we try to make out in the chiaroscuro. These are the characters from her memories. But their movements are slowed down, uncertain. Water keeps dripping from them as if they were overflowing. One of them is hanging out his washing while others gather around a dining table, evoking a vanitas by Caravaggio or Clara Peers. A couple, seemingly frozen in an embrace, are dancing, spinning slowly. Objects float all around them, as if time has stood still.

Lou Chenivesse

Lou Chenivesse is a visual artist, director and set designer. Born in 1994, she grew up in Egypt, Syria and France. In 2019, she graduated from the Beaux-Arts in Nantes and joined the Poush-Manifesto workshops in Paris. She entered Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains in 2022. Articulated through films, immersive installations, photographs and writing, her practice seeks to highlight the ob-scene, what is out of sight, the invisible world. Ghosts are a recurring subject in her work.


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing