Ethann Néon
Blinkity Black - Film - 22min - 2023
présenté dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 25

One blink, one lost image.
A second one, another lost image.
And so on, tens of thousands of times a day. *Blinkity Black *is created from all the moments that escape the eye simply because our eyelids close.
This small, spontaneous and seemingly insignificant gesture plays a crucial role in perception. In the blink of an eye, our brain processes the flow of information that floods us every day.
If we could discover all these lost moments, once we close our eyes, what would we discover? And what image would we save? This is the quest of the man at the heart of this story.
Ethann Néon
Ethann Néon lives and works in Brussels, where he studied animated film. His experimental films, photographs and installations focus on the representation of time in images. His current practice focuses on the processes of reconstructing memory and the visual concatenation of time, as well as on visual loss.
› Image : Ethann Néon, Laura Perera San Martin, Nicolas François
› Montage image : Ethann Néon, Jérôme Erhart, Mattia Petulla
› Son : Frédérique Furnelle, Valentine Gelin
› Montage son : Benjamin Poilane, Ethann Néon, Valentine Gelin
› Mixage : Frédérique Furnelle
› Accompagnement artistique : Vivianne Perelmuter