Alle Dicu
Saint Georges - Film - 20min - 2023
présenté dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 25

Three women meet in a flat to learn how to look. To look at what? Samples of marble. Their vision and speech become more refined as they make the material their own. The blocks of multicoloured marble open windows onto the world and transcend the enclosed space of the flat.
Her artistic practice and research interrogate the role of language in our relation to the material world. During the last ten years, she has developed a multi-disciplinary artistic research on decorative stones and their use in architecture. In 2021, she defended a thesis entitled Visions of a Surface. Marble as a Sensitive Surface and its Visuality. This project examines how extrinsic societal values are assigned to decorative marble and how its use in architecture plays a role in the articulation of power discourses be them religious, sovereign or economic. Entering Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains in 2023 allowed her to direct two films that use marble to question the contemporary technological flux in which mental and physical images are caught in.
› Interprétation : Alle Dicu, Florence Cats, Laëtitia Striffling
› Image : Joseph Hogan
› Montage image : Carla Biays, Raphaël Hénard
› Son : Raphaël Zucconi
› Montage son, mixage : Raphaël Hénard