Ana Edwards

La Partida de las Imágenes (Le départ des images) - Film - 11min - 2022

présenté dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 24


Between ethnography and reverie, La Partida de las Imágenes immerses itself in-between the spaces of dreams; the light and dark, the visible and the invisible, matter, spirits and images. Anecological reflection alongside a Mapuche family in the south of Chile that observes the human and nonhuman social maps that arise through dreaming.

Ana Edwards

Ana Edwards studied visual arts in Chile. In 2019 she completed an MA in Visual Anthropology in the UK. Combining ethno- graphic processes with the evocative and sensory powers of the audiovisual, her work explores diverse ecologies and ways of inhabiting the world, systems of relationships between beings and their environment. She is interested in the notions of nature and culture as they transform and shape each other in symbolic and material ways.


Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing


› Interprétation : Belisario Pitriqueo, Cristian Pitriqueo, Nelda Pitriqueo
› Image, son, montage image : Ana Edwards
› Assistant montage : Louise Pallier
› Accompagnement artistique : Ben Rivers