Lefebvre Zisswiller
Translation - Installation - 2020
présentée dans le cadre de l'exposition Panorama 22

Translation, or the experience of a land that overflows and persists only in a man’s footsteps. It is a territory whose contours cannot be traced on a map.
As an isolated figure, the man walks at the edges of the space, endlessly up and down. He precedes us, accompanies us, and comes after us. The responsibility of his action evolves through the formulation of a presence that he carries with him. His equivocal movement is in friction with the surroundings, attaches itself to the experience of non-place and the echoing expanse that spreads out, echoed by a world of reflections. Only the horizon cleaves the space in its integral relation. A territory that exceeds language: we transit through space, absorbed in our relation to this figure.
A mythological traversal inscribed in its own duration, that of a tireless dream placed in a space that is both characteristic and devoid of bearings. This trajectory questions both the lived distance and the passage in a shifting, transitory territory.
Lefebvre Zisswiller
Camille Zisswiller and Nicolas Lefebvre form an artistic duo. Between the fixed image and the video image, their work explores the means whereby individuals inhabit real or fictive environments. Conducive to shifts between different supports, their research results from a broadened dialogue which leads them to approach images by surprise in the interval between writing and what is formulated beyond language. Each of their projects takes up position in a specific milieu; territories on the margins in which images appear in secret, like vernacular chronicles. Holding qualifications from the École du Louvre (Paris), the Université de Strasbourg, and then HEAR (Strasbourg) and La Cambre (Brussels), they are together doing a post-diploma course at Le Fresnoy – Studio national des arts contemporains and taking part in creative residencies in Beijing (Xu Yuan Center), Venice (Architecture Biennale), Nijni Novgorod (Vyksa AIR),and Saint-Jans-Cappel (Villa Marguerite Yourcenar).
› Chef opérateur : Iván Castiñeiras Gallego
› Assistant réalisation : Lauren Oliel
› Ingénieur du son, mixage son, montage son : Ludivine Pelé
› Électricité : Ludovic Pollet
› Étalonnage : Julien Saez
› Sound design : Adrien Fontaine
Remerciements à la Commune de Muttersholtz et Patrick Barbier,
À la Ville de Sélestat, Marylène Cacaud et Philippe Moog,
À la Maison de l’eau, de la pêche et de la nature de Roubaix et Matthieu Dautricourt.
Merci à Louis Ziegler et Augustin Grunenberger,
À Patrick Unterstock le Batelier du Ried, à la famille Kilcher, Michel Ivastchenko, Catherine et Didier, Véronique et Francis,
Ainsi qu’à Aurélie Brouet, Cyprien Quairat, Sébastien Cabour et Claire Pollet, Olivier Jonvaux, Natalia Trebik et toute l’équipée du Fresnoy,
François Bonenfant, Valérie Jouve, Madeleine Van Doren et Daniel Dobbels pour leurs lectures sensibles et avisées.